Commercial matches for Win
- 1-800-HANSONS TV Spot, 'Bring You the Best: Windows West'
- Target Great Winter Clearance Dash TV Spot, 'Apparel, Toys and Seasonal' Song by Sam Smith
- My WW TV Spot, 'Oprah's Favorite Thing'
- LeafGuard of Pittsburgh Winter Half Off Sale TV Spot, 'Open Face Gutter Damage: Gift Cards'
- LeafGuard of Pittsburgh Winter Half Off Sale TV Spot, 'Presidents Day'
- Window World TV Spot, 'Lower Energy Bills'
- DIRECTV TV Spot, 'Envelope: 2020 Oscar Winners'
- Beldon Windows TV Spot, 'Becky: 10% Instant Rebate'
- PGA TOUR Must-See-Moments Sweepstakes TV Spot, 'For the Win' Featuring Bryson DeChambeau
- myWW TV Spot, 'Oprah's Favorite Thing: Clink: Three Months Free' Song by Spencer Ludwig
- myWW TV Spot, 'Oprah's Favorite Thing: Camera: Three Months Free' Song by Spencer Ludwig
- Warren for President TV Spot, 'Big Money Doesn't Always Win'
- Hooters Roasted Wings TV Spot, 'Only One Thing You Think Of'
- XFINITY TV Spot, 'Winning Combo: No Term Contract'
- XFINITY TV Spot, 'Winning Combo: One Year Agreement'
- Beldon Windows TV Spot, 'Satisfied Customers: 10% Instant Rebate'
- Blue-Emu TV Spot, 'Winning Never Gets Old' Featuring Johnny Bench and Rusty Wallace
- Pat Robertson "Ten Laws for Success: Keys to Win in Work, Family and Finance" TV Spot
- Men's Wearhouse Winter Savings Sale TV Spot, 'See You Through the Season' Song by Free
- NBC Sports Gold Snow Pass TV Spot, 'Hundreds of Winter Events'
- Sabra Super Bowl 2020 Teaser, 'Dip, Watch, Win: Scrolling Snacks'
- Sabra Super Bowl 2020 Teaser, 'Dip, Watch, Win: Ridipulous Supply of Hummus'
- Lexus Winter Collection Sales Event TV Spot, 'Smart Is the New Sexy' [T1]
- Sabra Super Bowl 2020 Teaser, 'Dip, Watch, Win: Snacks on Snacks'