Commercial matches for Twist
- Twisty Chain TV Spot
- Twist N Clip TV Spot for All-Day Hold
- Twister Dance TV Spot, 'Dance Class' Featuring Britney Spears
- Hot Wheels RC Terrain Twister TV Spot
- Twister Dance Rock the Spots Contest TV Spot, 'Show Her What You Got'
- Trident TV Spot, 'Gum Snake'
- Twister Rave Skip It TV Spot, 'Light It Up' Song by Britt Nicole
- Trojan Vibrating Twister TV Spot, 'Pleasureville'
- GoGurt Twisted TV Spot, 'Two Colors in Every Tube'
- Twister Rave Choose Your Twister Move Sweepstakes TV Spot, 'Favorite Move!'
- Twister Dance Rave TV Spot, 'Hot New Track' Featuring Britney Spears
- Bop It Tetris TV Spot, 'Twist, Slam, Score'
- TENA TV Spot 'Twist'
- Twisted Timber Treestands TV Spot
- Ruby Tuesday TV Spot, 'Twist it Up'
- Smart Twist Cleaning System TV Spot
- 989 OnDemand Drink TV Spot, 'Twist on Hydration'
- Trident TV Spot For Trident Gum Tropical Twist
- TENA Twist Technology TV Spot, 'Stand Up to the Twist'
- TENA TV Spot, 'Bathrooms'
- TENA Twist TV Spot, 'Dry As A Bone'
- TENA TV Spot, 'Magic Trick'
- DASANI TV Spot, 'How Do You Twist?'
- Malibu TV Spot For Malibu Black Mr. Moon