Commercial matches for The unicorn
- Target TV Spot, 'Pensando en ti' canción de Danna Paola [Spanish]
- Target TV Spot, 'Para las almas de la fiesta' canción de Danna Paola [Spanish]
- Target TV Spot, 'Thinking of You: Supper Stars' Song by Sam Smith
- Mix & Match-a-Saurus TV Spot, 'Rock & Roar'
- Mix & Match-a-Saurus TV Spot, 'Rock & Roar: Imaginative Play'
- Big Lots Big Black Friday Sale TV Spot, 'Ho-Ho-Whoa: Outdoor Lighted Decor'
- Gain Flings TV Spot, 'Disfraz de unicornio: Scent Blasters' [Spanish]
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Holidays: 50% Off Tees and 40% Off Championship Titles'
- YouTube TV TV Spot, 'Watch History Happen Live' Song by Lizzo
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Holidays: Buy One, Get One for $1: Tees'
- Target TV Spot, 'Thinking of You' Song by Sam Smith
- YouTube TV TV Spot, 'Watch What You Want' Song by Lizzo
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Ring in the New Year: 20% Off Titles & 40% Off Tees' Song by Krissie Karlsson
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Ofertas de Black Friday' [Spanish]
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Holidays: 25% Off Championship Titles & 50% Off Tees'
- Robot Unicorn Attack 2 TV Spot, 'William'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Holidays: 35% Off'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Join the Universe: 30% Off Orders & 20% Off Championship Titles' Song by Krissie Karlsson
- Uni-Verse Funny Unicorn Surprise TV Spot, 'Magical Clouds'
- Robot Unicorn Attack 2 TV Spot, 'The Real Cost'
- Chia Pet TV Spot, 'Star Wars, Groot, Unicorn and Golden Girls'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Holidays: Black Friday Deals Return'
- Chia Pet TV Spot, 'Rick and Morty, Unicorns and Bob Ross'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Black Friday: Up to 70% Off' Song by John Cameron, Adam Mills, Thomas Mills