Commercial matches for The power is on
- Ram Trucks Mes de la Camioneta TV Spot, 'Más capaz' [Spanish] [T2]
- Dodge Power Dollars TV Spot, 'House of Power' Song by AC/DC [T2]
- Local Steals & Deals TV Spot, '4id: 50% Off'
- Microsoft Teams TV Spot, 'The Power of Teams'
- VP Racing Fuels TV Spot, 'More than Fuel'
- PedEgg Power TV Spot, 'Everyone Gets Calluses'
- Toyota TV Spot, 'Power Lunch' Song by The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [T1]
- Dave and Buster's Unreal Deal TV Spot, 'For Real: Eight Games Free'
- Dave and Buster's Unreal Deal TV Spot, 'For Real: Eight Games Free: Kids'
- Degree Men Advanced Protection TV Spot, 'Instant'
- VUSE Alto TV Spot, 'Unstoppable: 99 Cents'