Commercial matches for The killing
- Hulu TV Spot, 'This Winter: Feed Your True Crime Obsession'
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'New Series and Final Seasons'
- Bill O'Reilly "Killing the Killers: The Secret War Against Terrorists" TV Spot
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'New Obsessions and Epic Finales'
- Peacock TV Super Bowl 2022 TV Spot, 'This Year: Originals to Love' Song by Jefferson Airplane
- Peacock TV TV Spot, 'Streaming This Year: Originals to Love' Song by Jefferson Airplane
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'Timeless Stories'
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'Immersive Worlds'
- Ketel One Botanical TV Spot, 'The Last Splash' Featuring Lynnette Marrero
- Peacock TV TV Spot, 'This April: So Much to Love'
- Killington Resort TV Spot, 'More Winter'
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'Here's What's New: Get Ready'
- CNN+ TV Spot, 'So Many Twists: 50% Off'
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'Iconic Characters and Immersive Worlds'
- AMC+ TV Spot, 'Here's What's New: Ultimate Endings and New Beginnings'
- Microban 24 TV Spot, 'Keep Killing Bacteria for 24 Hours'
- Microban 24 Super Bowl 2021 TV Spot, 'Keep Killing Bacteria for 24 Hours'
- Hulu TV Spot, 'Time To Have Hulu' Featuring Kris Jenner, Aaron Donald
- Bill O'Reilly "Killing the Mob: The Fight Against Organized Crime in America" TV Spot
- Pepsi Zero Sugar TV Spot, 'Killing a Penalty'
- Philo TV Spot, 'No Problem: Free Trial'
- Nexium TV Spot, 'Lifetime: Spicy Chili' Ft. Keith Dewar, Kristine Killingsworth
- XFINITY TV Spot, 'Women's History Month' Song by SATV
- History Vault TV Spot, 'Presidents Day'