Commercial matches for The journey
- Chase TV Spot, 'HGTV: Journey to Home'
- Target TV Spot, 'Chapter One: The Journey Begins'
- Toys R Us 2-Day Sale TV Spot, 'Playback Mode'
- "Star Darlings Book Series" TV Spot, 'Disney Channel: Wishes'
- TV Spot, 'Journey'
- Visit Colorado TV Spot, 'Journey' Song by Shady Elders
- Dodge Spring Clearance Event TV Spot, 'Rumble of Dodges'
- Dodge TV Spot, 'Uncle Richie: Do the Math' Song by Metallica
- Holiday Inn TV Spot, 'Journey to Extraordinary: Perfect 10 Foods'
- Holiday Inn TV Spot, 'Journey to Extraordinary: Sword & Plough'
- GameStop $25 Trade Offer TV Spot, 'Journey'
- Discount Tire TV Spot, 'Your Journey'
- Dodge Labor Day Sales Event TV Spot, 'Baywatch' Featuring David Hasselhoff
- American Express TV Spot, 'The Journey Never Stops for Bill Sinnett'
- Boston College TV Spot, 'Where Will Your Journey Take You?'
- TV Spot, 'The Journey' Song by Langhorne Slim & The Law
- Virginia Is for Lovers TV Spot, 'LOVE is a Journey' Song by The Last Bison
- Arch Motorcycle Company KRGT-1 TV Spot, 'Journey'
- 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class TV Spot, 'The Journey'
- Dodge Summer Clearance Event TV Spot, 'Family Reunion'
- Connections Academy TV Spot, 'Jeremy's Dreams, Journey & Future'
- Jenny Craig TV Spot, 'Weight Loss Journey'
- West Virginia University TV Spot, 'Journey of Self-Discovery'
- Chevrolet Silverado TV Spot, 'The Journey to ESPN College GameDay: Week 1'