Commercial matches for The days
- Toyota Big One Sales Event TV Spot, 'Easy: Leg Day' [T2]
- Macy's One Day Sale TV Spot, 'Great Deals of The Day: Fall Layers, Shoes, Fragrances'
- Select Quote TV Spot, 'Under a Dollar a Day'
- Vote Early Day TV Spot, 'Waiting for Yellowstone'
- SeaWorld End of Summer Sale TV Spot, 'Amazing Happens: Single-Day Tickets and Fun Card'
- Ashley HomeStore Black Friday in July TV Spot, 'Less Than $1 a Day' Song by Midnight Riot
- NFL All Day TV Spot, 'Virtual Trading Cards'
- La-Z-Boy Presidents Day Sale TV Spot, 'Special Place: 30% Off'
- Miracle-Ear TV Spot, 'Ben & Bobby: 30 Day Trial'
- Roman TV Spot, 'Roman Ready' Song by Eric Starczan & Florent Sabaton
- The Home Depot TV Spot, 'ESPN: Gameday: Out-Fan Yourself: BEHR' Feat. Desmond Howard, Lee Corso
- Happy Honda Days TV Spot, 'Tons of Hondas' [T2]
- Subway Footlong of the Day TV Spot, 'Get More'
- Eucerin TV Spot, 'From One Day to the Next'
- SeaWorld End of Summer Sale TV Spot, 'Real Feels Amazing: Single-Day Tickets'
- SeroVital TV Spot, 'Slow Production of Hormones: 90-Day Trial' Featuring Kim Lyons
- Ashley HomeStore Black Friday in July TV Spot, '0% Interest and Next Day Delivery'
- Lexus Golden Opportunity Sales Event TV Spot, 'Yellow Jersey' Song by Memory Fields [T1]
- Lazydays Summer Deal Days TV Spot, '2020 Coachman Clipper Cadet'
- Happy Holley Days TV Spot, 'Holidays: Up to 50% Off'
- 2022 Vote Early Day TV Spot, 'Smarter, Faster, Easier' Song by Heinz Kiessling
- Sherwin-Williams Four-Day Super Sale TV Spot, 'September: 40% Off'
- Busch Gardens End of Summer Sale TV Spot, 'Tigris and Single Day Ticket'
- Lazydays Summer Deal Days TV Spot, '2019 Travel Trailers'