Commercial matches for Safetussin multi symptom cough cold and flu
- Rompe Pecho TV Spot, 'Práctica de tiro' [Spanish]
- Safetussin TV Spot, 'Specially Formulated for You'
- Robitussin TV Spot, 'Casual Friday'
- Tukol TV Spot, 'Noche de hombres' [Spanish]
- Robitussin TV Spot, 'One-on-One: Friends'
- Robitussin TV Spot, 'Turning Up the Volume'
- Tukol Honey Cough & Congestion TV Spot, 'Expulsa las flemas' [Spanish]
- Robitussin TV Spot, 'Yoga Breaks'
- Rompe Pecho TV Spot, 'Tos incontrolable' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho TV Spot, 'Estornudo' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho Max TV Spot, 'La vida es complicada' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho TV Spot, 'Bailarinas' [Spanish]
- Tukol Honey TV Spot, 'Suaviza la garganta' [Spanish]
- Robitussin TV Spot, 'Julie'
- Tukol Max Action TV Spot, 'No más excusas' [Spanish]
- Tukol Cough & Cold TV Spot, 'Remedios' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho CF TV Spot, 'La mejor solución' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho Flu TV Spot, 'Efectividad' [Spanish]
- Rompe Pecho DM TV Spot, 'Quita la tos' [Spanish]
- Theraflu Multi-System Severe Cold TV Spot, 'Medifacts: Attacks Symptoms Fast'
- Theraflu Multi-System Severe Cold TV Spot, 'Medifacts: alivio rápido' [Spanish]