Commercial matches for Outlander
- 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage TV Spot, 'Find Your Own Lane' [Spanish]
- 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport TV Spot, 'Every Mile Matters'
- 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport TV Spot, 'Find Your Own Lane'
- 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'Get There'
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'TNT: Redesigned'
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport TV Spot, 'FX Network: Exclusive Looks'
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport TV Spot, 'Outlander Sport Network'
- Can-Am Spring Fever Sales Event TV Spot, 'Best Time of the Year'
- CenturyLink Prism TV TV Spot, 'Q & A'
- Mitsubishi Motors Holiday Sales Event TV Spot, 'Spokespeople'
- Mitsubishi Unwrapped Event TV Spot, 'No Better Time'
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'De-Icer'
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'Looks Good From Every Angle '
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'Directions'
- Outlander: Season One, Volume Two Blu-ray TV Spot
- 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander TV Spot, 'Day Care'
- Mitsubishi 2013 Summer Sales Event TV Spot
- Mitsubishi 100th Anniversary Sales Event TV Spot, 'Fabric' Song by Human [T2]
- Can-Am Yellow Tag Event TV Spot, 'Outlander 450'
- Starz Channel TV Spot, 'Get It On' Song by Marvin Gaye
- Mitsubishi 100th Anniversary Sales Event TV Spot, 'Everything' [T2]
- Bass Pro Shops Kick-Off Sale TV Spot, 'Cards, Game Camera and Shotgun'
- Bass Pro Shops TV Spot, 'Shop Like a Pro: Arrowheads, Ammo & Rifles'
- Can-Am Yellow Tag Event TV Spot, 'A Hard Day's Play'