Commercial matches for Grab it grab it
- Mental Health Is Health TV Spot, 'Lend a Hand' Song by Jeanne Rogers
- SwerveBall TV Spot, 'The Grab: No Price'
- Titebond TV Spot, 'Lots of Projects'
- SwerveBall TV Spot, 'The Grab: $19.99 Plus Processing and Handling'
- Clik Ring TV Spot, 'Two Clik Rings and Wrap & Grab Tripod'
- Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Grab the Family' Song by Kygo, Whitney Houston [T2]
- Judicial Crisis Network TV Spot, 'Power Grab'
- Duluth Trading TV Spot, 'Fire Hose Work Pants vs. a Grab-Happy Grizzly'
- Bright Bugz TV Spot, 'Grab the Light'
- MicroZoom TV Spot, 'Explore the Microscopic World'
- Grab Bag TV Spot, 'Comestibles' [Spanish]
- Loctite Clear Power Grab TV Spot, 'Airplane'
- McDonald's Happy Meal TV Spot, 'Grab the Fun of Gogurt'
- Dollar General TV Spot, 'Grab What You Need'
- Grab That Grub Online Game TV Spot
- Bass Pro Shops Go Outdoors Event TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Grab-It TV Spot
- Bass Pro Shops Spring Fever Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Walmart Optical TV Spot, 'Stay Protected From Little Grabbers'
- Spinnyos Giant Yo-ller Coaster TV Spot, 'Grab a Yo'
- Bass Pro Shops Summer Kickoff Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Bass Pro Shops Summer Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Gerber Pudding Grabbers TV Spot, 'Who's Your Daddy?'
- Gadget Grab TV Spot, 'Securely Sticks'