Commercial matches for Do it
- PETA TV Spot, 'Fourth of July: Fireworks' Featuring Edward James Olmos
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'Like the Student Union …But With Fries'
- Angi TV Spot, 'Committed to Done x Team Zero'
- Hardee's Double Bacon Beast Burger TV Spot, 'Stuck on a Call'
- COIT TV Spot, 'Trusted by Families: 35%'
- 2022 Toyota Corolla TV Spot, 'Don Quixote: Corolla' [Spanish] [T2]
- Netflix TV Spot, 'Russian Doll'
- Verizon TV Spot, 'Delgados Down Day'
- Allegiant TV Spot, 'Don't Fence Me In: $48' Song by Labrinth
- NFL TV Spot, 'Super Bowl LVI Champions Official Film'
- Alabama Black Belt Adventures TV Spot, 'Adventure In its Purest Form'
- McDonald's Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwich TV Spot, 'A Spice Lover Made This' Song by Tay Keith
- L'Oreal Paris Cosmetics Age Perfect Serum Foundation TV Spot, 'Never Settle' Ft. Helen Mirren, Viola Davis, Andie MacDowell
- NHTSA TV Spot, 'Pets'
- La-Z-Boy Double Discount Days TV Spot, 'Special Piece: 20% Off First Item and 40% Off Second Item'
- Snickers TV Spot, 'Parque' [Spanish]
- ASPCA TV Spot, 'Break the Chain'
- Shady Rays TV Spot, 'Fraction of Big Brand Prices: 50% off Two'
- Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash TV Spot, 'Renueva las ceramidas' [Spanish]
- Rooms to Go Venta de Memorial Day TV Spot, 'Seccional de dos piezas' [Spanish]
- XFINITY TV Spot, 'Prueba Apple TV+' canción de SATV Music [Spanish]
- New Archery Spitfire Doublecross TV Spot, 'Cutting Trauma'
- Dunkin' Donuts TV Spot, 'The Perfect Pair'
- Wienerschnitzel Mini Corn Dogs TV Spot, 'Washer' Song by Heinz Kiessling