Commercial matches for Do it
- TCF Bank TV Spot, 'More Training' Song by Carl Perkins
- World Animal Protection TV Spot, 'Dolphin Defender' Featuring Kelly Slater
- McDonald's McCafe Iced Coffee TV Spot, 'Garage Band'
- Spectrum Reach TV Spot, 'Weather Tite Windows: Double Our Business'
- The Democratic National Committee TV Spot, 'Inflation Reduction Act'
- Dunkin' Donuts Go2s TV Spot, 'Double Your Favorites'
- Zyrtec TV Spot, 'Mamá primeriza' con Francisca Lachapel [Spanish]
- Michigan Athletics TV Spot, '2022 Tickets to Women's Soccer' Song by Louise Bernadette Dowd
- Dow TV Spot, 'Zero-Waste Tournament'
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'The Study Fuel Deal: Buy One Get One Sandwich for $1'
- Biktarvy TV Spot, 'Keep Loving Who You Are: Questions'
- Carl's Jr. Sourdough Star TV Spot, 'Bite This Network: Flatbreaders'
- Ancestry Fourth of July Sale TV Spot, '1950 Census'
- Downton Abbey: The Exhibition TV Spot, 'Royal Wedding'
- McDonald's McCafe TV Spot, 'Find Your Flavor'
- Verizon Home Internet TV Spot, 'Verizon Does Home Internet'
- American Express TV Spot, 'Don't NBA Without It'
- 2018 Honda CR-V LX TV Spot, 'Service Dog' [T2]
- National Down Syndrome Society TV Spot, 'Buddy Walk'
- Hilton Hotels Worldwide TV Spot, 'Lonely'
- Severo Benito y Su Bandita Canchas de Oro TV Spot, "Y Por Esa Calle Vive' [Spanish]
- Salonpas TV Spot, 'Recomendación de dolor muscular' [Spanish]
- Mammoth Nation TV Spot, 'Second Vote'
- AeroGarden TV Spot, 'A Different Level of Fresh'