Commercial matches for Do it
- Rocket Mortgage TV Spot, 'Mama I Made It: The Final Steps' Featuring Don Benjamin
- Wounded Warrior Project TV Spot, 'Don't Know What to Say'
- Postmates TV Spot, 'Your Brain on Donuts'
- Roger Miller TV Spot, 'What Would Roger Miller Do-Wacka-Do'
- Window World TV Spot, '5 White Double-Hung Windows'
- TravelOK TV Spot, 'Oklahoma Is Here: Right Next Door'
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'The Now I'm a Morning Person Deal: Free Egg McMuffin or McNuggets'
- Mahindra Fall Sales Event TV Spot, 'Tough Doesn't Just Happen: 0% for 84 Months'
- Direct Auto Insurance TV Spot, 'Bubble Guy'
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'Of Course I Got You One, Too Deal: BOGO for $1'
- CBS Deals TV Spot, 'LED Car-Door Lights'
- Miracle-Gro TV Spot, 'Spring Is Here'
- SmartPak Equine UlcerGard TV Spot, 'Strike Before Stress Does'
- Hall Financial TV Spot, 'Stop What You're Doing and Call'
- Stoller USA TV Spot, 'How Many Dollars Did You Leave in the Field?'
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'Refréscate: Frozen Hawaiian Punch o favoritos: $1.49 dólares ' [Spanish]
- Doctors Without Borders TV Spot, 'Minutes Matter'
- McDonald's TV Spot, 'The Wait, No Leftovers? Deal: Large Fries for Free'
- Illinois State University TV Spot, 'What Will You Be?'
- Eyemart Express TV Spot, 'Your Tax Dollars Go Further'
- TV Spot, 'Customized Golf Balls: Two Dozen for $90'
- Dow TV Spot, 'Circularity in Sports: Golf'
- Mac's Tie Down Solutions TV Spot, 'The Leader: 10% Off'
- NFL TV Spot, 'Holiday Doinkage' Featuring Keegan-Michael Key