Commercial matches for Best day of my life
Lowe's TV Spot, 'Moving In' Song by American Authors
Weight Watchers SmartPoints TV Spot, 'Do It All' Song by American Authors
Kidz Bop TV Spot, 'Life of the Party Tour'
Best Western TV Spot, 'Summer 2016 Promotion' Song by American Authors
Best Western TV Spot, 'Summer 2017 Promotion' Song by American Authors
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Make Summer Go Right' [T2]
Ford Gran Venta de Verano TV Spot, 'Disfruta el verano' [Spanish] [T2]
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Final Days' Song by American Authors [T2]
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'On Your Own' Song by American Authors [T2]
Ford Gran Venta de Verano TV Spot, 'Barco favorito' [Spanish] [T2]
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Take on Summer Right' [T2]
Ford Gran Venta de Verano TV Spot, 'Días finales' [Spanish] [T2]
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Favorite Boat' Song by American Authors [T2]
Ford Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Trout' Song by American Authors [T2]
St. Vincent Blu-ray and DVD TV Spot
2013 Toyota Prius TV Spot, 'Best Day Sales Event'
2013 Toyota RAV4 TV Spot, 'Just For You'
2013 Toyota Prius TV Spot, 'Best Day' Song by American Authors