Commercial matches for Americans
- American Flag Football League TV Spot, 'Own Part of a Sports League'
- American India Foundation TV Spot, 'COVID Response'
- Wienerschnitzel Hot Dogs TV Spot, 'BBQ a la americano' [Spanish]
- TV Spot, 'Driving Growth'
- XFINITY TV Spot, 'The Hottest Shows'
- Hulu TV Spot, 'FX on Hulu: Revolutions'
- B&W Trailer Hitches TV Spot, 'American Manufacturing'
- Buffalo Wild Wings TV Spot, 'Gather Around Great Bar Food'
- Kraft Singles TV Spot, 'Grilled Cheese Song'
- Paramount+ Showtime Bundle TV Spot, 'Be Free'
- African American Museum of Dallas TV Spot, 'ABC 8 Dallas: Men of Change'
- Kraft Singles TV Spot, 'Grilled Cheese O'Clock: Can't Tell Time'
- The American Thresherman Association TV Spot, '62nd Annual Gas and Threshing Show'
- AAOMS TV Spot, 'Learn to Perform a Self Exam'
- North American Bengali Conference TV Spot, 'Your Weekend'
- Hulu TV Spot, 'FX on Hulu: 50+ Original Series and Y: The Last Man' Song by James Brown
- Disney+ TV Spot, 'Just Can't Lose'
- American Red Cross TV Spot, 'Donate Blood: Roll Up Your Sleeves'
- American Heart Association TV Spot, 'Getting Back'
- Hulu TV Spot, 'FX on Hulu: 40+ Original Series'
- FOX Nation TV Spot, 'It's Crime Time'
- FirstNet TV Spot, 'American Nurse Heroes'
- American Ballet Theatre Across America TV Spot, 'One Tour'
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) TV Spot, '5Ds of Bystander Intervention'