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The Balvenie TV Spot, 'The Balvenie Honors Anthony Bourdain'

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Late celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain speaks from his heart and mind about the dangers that come with following your passion. He warns that if you're passionate about something that you'll never be good at, one must recognize that and should carry on with their lives. But if you feel conviction, a special feeling in your heart that lets you know deep down inside that you can produce something that will shock and terrify people, you should follow it. The Balvenie salutes the late Anthony Bourdain and his decision to pursue his passions.

September 17, 2018
The Balvenie
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The Balvenie Doublewood 17, The Balvenie Caribbean Cask 14
“We're Proud to Have Shared the Journey”
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Anthony Bourdain ... Expert

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