Go Red for Women TV Spot, 'Pregnant With My Daughter'
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This woman was pregnant with her daughter when she was diagnosed with heart disease and so is raising her daughter to be conscious about her health, fitness and what she eats. She and the American Heart Association encourage you to go red for women on February 7 for "National Wear Red" day to raise awareness for women's health.
- Published
- January 25, 2020
- Advertiser
- Go Red for Women
- Promotions
- National Wear Red for Women Day (expires: 02/07/2020)
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Ad URL
- http://www.goredforwomen.org
- Mood
- Active
- Actors - Add
- None have been identified for this spot.
- Agency
- Crispin Porter Bogusky ... Media Agency
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