Maker's Mark TV Spot, 'It’s Your Maker’s Moment'
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A man walks into his house and sees a pair of leopard-print flats by the door. He has an idea. A woman gets a package and opens it to find a pair of leopard-print rain boots. She grins, and has an idea of her own. She pulls on the rain boots, grabs her headphones and a bottle of Maker's Mark and dances in the puddles on the way to thank her dad for helping her find her childlike energy again.
- Published
- March 30, 2021
- Advertiser
- Maker's Mark
- Products
- Maker's Mark Whisky
- Tagline
- “Make It Remarkable”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Mood
- Active
- Actors - Add
- Dean Simone ... Dancing dad, Katie Reese ... Girl in white leather jacket
- Agency
- Starcom ... Media Agency
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