Commercial matches for Kia optima sx limited sx limited
- Kia Evento de Verano del 4 de Julio TV Spot, 'Esta me gusta' [Spanish] [T2]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Event TV Spot, 'Donuts: Sales Tactics' [T1]
- 2016 Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Nailed It' [T1]
- Kia Evento Top Quality TV Spot, 'Garantía' [Spanish]
- Kia Fall Savings Time TV Spot, 'Robot-Tested Smart Trunk Technology' [T2]
- 2017 Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Robot-Tested Smart Trunk Technology: Tests' [T1]
- 2017 Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Cajuela inteligente' [Spanish] [T1]
- Kia Presidents Day Sales Event TV Spot, 'Presidents in Your Pocket' [T2]
- Kia Evento Presidents Day TV Spot, '2017 Forte LX: Venta' [Spanish] [T2]
- 2017 Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Shoe Store'
- Kia Evento Light Up the Holidays TV Spot, 'Temporada de Vacaciones' [Spanish] [T2]
- Kia America's Best Value 4th of July Event TV Spot, 'Balloons: Who Needs Them?' [T1]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Event TV Spot, 'Soft Sell' [T2]
- Kia America's Best Value 4th of July Event TV Spot, 'Soft Sell: Deals, Deals, Deals' [T2]
- Kia Evento Presidents Day TV Spot, 'La mejor compra: en el camino' [Spanish] [T2]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Event TV Spot, 'Sister: Overpaid Celebrity Spokesperson' [T1]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Clearance TV Spot, 'Balloons: Pop' [T1]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Clearance TV Spot, 'Space Helmet: What You Need' [T1]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Clearance TV Spot, 'Space Helmet' [T2]
- Kia America's Best Value Summer Clearance TV Spot, 'Balloons' [T2]
- Kia 4th of July Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Great Taste' [T2]
- Kia Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Exciting Time' [T1]
- Kia Summer Sales Event TV Spot, 'Exciting Time' [T2]
- Kia Evento de Verano TV Spot, 'Sala de exposición' [Spanish] [T2]