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The Most Likeable TV Ads from 2021

Our 2021 TV Ad Measurement Report is a testament to the breadth of insights obtained from precisely measuring every second of every ad on TV. But the insights featured aren’t solely focused on data points such as impressions and TV spend. Creative effectiveness is also a major part of the TV ad measurement equation. 

As such, we ranked the 10 most Likeable TV ads according to Creative Assessment of all video creatives in 2021. Among viewers’ favorite ads of the year, brands across various industries tapped into some common themes such as togetherness and eye-catching products. The following spots ranked as the 3 most Likeable out of 9.6K+ video ads tested last year.

#1 LG “Laundry Day”

Likeability Score*: 806

The energetic music and the adorable dancing father/baby duo captivated survey respondents. In verbatim comments, viewers praised the fact that LG broke gender norms with a father figure doing chores and caring for the baby:

[…] showing a dad and his kid, especially a person of color, featured in it was amazing. Neither of those are shown enough and I’m always glad to see it! I really enjoyed watching this.” Female 21-35

“It was cute with the dancing, the baby. The music was nice. The fact that dad is taking on a mom-like role is getting with the times, breaking stereotypes, good thing.” Male 36-49

“I think it is a great idea to capture a father with his baby doing laundry with the song “Just The Two Of Us” playing in the background. We tend to forget that some fathers help with the kids and household chores.” Female 36-49

“Great advice. Loved it. A father and child having fun while doing chores was inspiring. Great product placement with LG washer prominently displayed in the center of the background was genius. Stainless steel standing out from mainly light colors surrounding it made it pop.” Male 50+

Beyond that, this creative effectively communicated several product attributes that enticed survey respondents, and ultimately generated strong Positive Purchase Intent* (6% above Household category norms). “Laundry Day” amassed over 680 million TV ad impressions in 2021 with nearly 20% of those served on three networks: NBC, TBS and Lifetime.

#2 Hasbro “What Happens Around the Game”

Likeability Score: 796

Survey respondents enjoyed the family-focused messaging and the emphasis on spending quality time together. For most viewers, this creative stirred up strong feelings of nostalgia. On top of that, many felt affinity towards the games advertised, which contributed to really strong Positive Purchase Intent — 19% above 2021 Toy industry norms. This spot also earned an Attention Index* of 129 in 2021, meaning viewers watched the ad in its entirety 29% more than average for its given media placements. 

A sample of the 480+ verbatim comments gathered in response to “What Happens Around the Game” reflect how emotionally-engaging it was for viewers:

“Wonderful and nostalgia inspiring. Family having fun with simple and fun games. I loved playing board games with family when I was younger. Long before computer games and cell phones. Great fun for everyone” Female 50+

“I like this ad, because it depicts the sense of togetherness that board games can bring among families.” Female 21-35

“Monopoly was one of our go-to games to play growing up. We still enjoy playing monopoly together to this day.”  Male 21-35

#3 Resolve “You Said” 

Likeability Score: 795

Resolve depicted a specific, pet-related use case for its product in this heartfelt creative. In addition to successfully grabbing Attention in a Likeable manner, the spot scored in the 97th percentile in terms of Relevance as many viewers related to the message about owning (messy) dogs. “You Said” garnered over 1.3 billion TV ad impressions in 2021, with 17% of those served on three networks: TV LAND, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, and CBS.

A handful of the 460+ verbatim comments gathered for “You Said” indicate what made this spot a success:

“The scenes with the dogs were SO real and SO sweet! It really captured my experiences with my dogs and made me feel happy. It makes the brand feel like they’re dedicated to helping me with this product.” Male 21-35

“I’m a dog person so I loved it and could totally relate. It made me feel good, happy, positive and those feelings have been hard to come by for quite awhile. This ad is a winner.” Female 50+

“I like how the advertiser showed how the relationship of a dog owner and a dog are, and how it relates to the product” Male 36-49

“I really related to everything about this ad and I am definitely going to look into the products” Female 21-35

Additional key takeaways from the 10 Most Likeable TV Ads from 2021 include:

  • Brands such as Hasbro and Lindt hit on themes of togetherness to get a Likeability score in the 100th percentile, whereas Ninja and Kitchenaid and several others focused on vivid product displays to achieve similar scores.
  • The top Emos* for the three most liked ads were Energetic, Nostalgic, and Narrative.
  • The top three ads all boasted over 60% for Positive Purchase Intent

To see the full top 10 list and the most Likeable TV ads by industry, download our 2021 TV Ad Measurement Report. You’ll get a sampling of the robust and granular real-time analytics that await you in the dashboard. 

*Likeability Score: Measures the extent to which survey respondents like an ad. Scores range from 1-950. A difference of +/-25 points is statistically significant.

Positive Purchase Intent: The percent of survey respondents that reported an increased desire to purchase or visit a given brand or product after watching an ad. A difference of +/- 3% is statistically significant.

Attention Index: A comparison of your ad’s Interruption Rate against your specific media placement. The Attention Index is measured on a scale of 0 to 200, where 100 is the average and means your ad is performing as expected.

Emos: Refers to the 57 emotional metrics Creative Assessment measures for every TV and video ad. Measurement is derived from survey respondent verbatim comments using Natural Language Processing and machine learning techniques. Scores are relative to every other ad in the expansive database. The top emo represents the strongest feeling(s)/reaction(s) gen pop viewers have in response to a video ad.