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NFL Playoffs 2021 TV Ad Report

Inside the Report

This year’s NFL Playoffs added two extra games, plus a new simulcast aimed at kids on Nick. How did that impact TV advertising during the postseason? Impressions were down year over year by about 8%, yet ads during NFL games were still seen nearly 12x more than those for the nearest show on TV. Some of the other top takeaways from these playoffs, pre-Super Bowl:

  • Estimated TV ad spend during NFL Playoffs was up 28.1% year over year
  • Of the top 20 brand advertisers during this year’s playoffs, 15 increased TV ad impressions year over year
  • Most insurance brand impressions were up during this year’s playoffs, but Allstate’s increased by over 1,000 percent
  • The NFL Playoffs’ most-seen ads, plus creative assessment data from Ace Metrix (an iSpot company). 

Want to know more about TV advertising during this year’s NFL playoffs? Check out our playoff report to learn more about top brands, spots, industries, and how audiences perceived ad creatives. And visit iSpot’s Super Bowl VIP Ad Center.