Massage Envy TV Spot, 'Find Your Best: April Deals'
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Whether it's paddle boarding, wrestling or striking out at the bowling alley, Massage Envy believes that everybody has a best. Dedicated to helping you find yours, Massage Envy will be welcoming new clients with a $50 massage or facial session claiming, that when you feel your best, you do more of the things that make you, "you."
- Published
- April 10, 2017
- Advertiser
- Massage Envy
- Promotions
- New clients receive a $50 Introductory Massage or Facial Session. (expires: 04/23/2017)
- Tagline
- “Making the Best of Every Body”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Mood
- Active
- Actors - Add
- Alexandra Castro ... Woman Hiker, Tyler Caffall ... Voice Over
- Agency
- Carat ... Media Agency
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