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Zelle TV Spot, 'How Money Moves: Around Town' Featuring Daveed Diggs

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"Hamilton" star Daveed Diggs admires a handsome portrait of himself and a friend riding a Tyrannosaurus rex and realizes that he owes his friend money for half of the commission. Stuck in his ways, Daveed insists on walking to the bank instead of using Zelle like his friend had asked him to use. On his journey to the bank, he encounters several people who use Zelle, including an elderly landlady, a bus driver and even a woman who just likes to use Zelle to pay her dog walker. The realization that Zelle may actually be the best option for him only hits Daveed after he uses a swift staccato rhythm to list off all the types of people for whom Zelle is made. Since Zelle keeps money moving and is available for almost everybody to use, he decides he should give it a chance. Daveed then questions his decision to walk to the bank, but here's a more important question: Why is everyone around town rhyming?

January 13, 2018
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Zelle App
“This Is How Money Moves”
None have been identified for this spot
The song was created for this commercial
Actors - Add
Daveed Diggs ... Musician, Jeff Blumberg ... Bus Driver, Katie Molinaro ... Slacker not peddling the bicycle, Paul Cuneo ... Mustached man in suit on tandem bicycle, Shawana Carter ... Girl on front of tandem bike with teal shirt, Shereen Khan ... Shaker in red on tandem bicycle, Steven W. Bailey ... Garbage Man

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