AT&T TV Spot, 'Bleacher Report: Classroom Hacks for the Playoffs'
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It's playoff season, and if you are a student, it can be hard to find a way to keep up with the games while still going to classes. Bleacher Report and AT&T have your back. They present the hilarious lengths that some students might take to watch games during class on their AT&T devices. One student tapes his phone inside his book. Another uses a set of fake arms to hold up a book on the desk while watching his phone in his lap. The last one uses a picture of his face on his tablet as his face in class while he watches the game on his phone, which he taped to the back of the tablet.
- Published
- April 27, 2017
- Advertiser
- AT&T Wireless
- Tagline
- “Entertainment Your Way On All Your Devices”
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- None have been identified for this spot
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- Funny
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- None have been identified for this spot.
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- NBA Basketball
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