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MassMutual TV Spot, 'Duos' Featuring Alexander Ovechkin, Nicklas Bäckström

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Washington Capitals left winger Alexander Ovechkin is just enjoying a relaxing morning on his couch when his wife Nastya starts asking him about his MassMutual life insurance policy. She's confused about why Alex's teammate Nicklas Bäckström is included, but for Alex, the answer is fairly simple. On and off the ice, Ovi and Backy are a duo, so if something should happen to the Caps' captain, he wants to make sure Nicklas is covered when he no longer has his favorite teammate to pass the puck to. This clearly codependent relationship also explains why Nicklas always seems to show up at the Ovechkins' for breakfast.

October 14, 2021
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MassMutual Life Insurance
“Live Mutual.”
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Actors - Add
Alexander Ovechkin ... Athlete, Nicklas Backstrom
Grey Global Group Inc. ... Media Agency

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