Little Caesars HOT-N-READY Quattro Pizza TV Spot, 'Quattro Brothers: Shoe Sizes'
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The Quattro Brothers are sometimes misunderstood and, sadly, seen as one group instead of four unique individuals. Thank goodness Little Caesars has the HOT-N-READY Quattro Pizza to satisfy all of their appetites. To further prove their differences, the brothers point out their vastly different shoe sizes.
- Published
- August 27, 2019
- Advertiser
- Little Caesars Pizza
- Promotions
- Get a Hot-N-Ready Quattro Pizza for $7 from 4 and 8p.m. daily
- Tagline
- “Pizza, Pizza”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Mood
- Funny
- Actors - Add
- Dick Terhune ... Voice Over
- Agency
- McKinney ... Media Agency
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