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Jif Power Ups TV Spot, 'Squirrel'

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While enjoying a sunny afternoon out in a park, a woman serves herself some Jif peanut butter on bread and is startled to find dozens upon dozens of squirrels clustering around her, begging for a bite... as well as someone in a squirrel mask, to which she simply shakes her head at. Jif insists their peanut butter is so good, you'd dress up like a squirrel for it -- which is why the company suggests snacking on something else, such as Jif Power Ups Creamy Clusters.

October 22, 2019
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Jif Power Ups Creamy Peanut Butter Creamy Clusters, Jif Creamy Peanut Butter
None have been identified for this spot
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Kira Powell ... Lead role
Carat ... Agency, Publicis ... Media Agency

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