Dove TV Spot, '2022 BET Awards: CROWN Coalition: The Time to Act Is Now' Featuring Tabitha Brown
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Actress Tabitha Brown shares a statistic that says discrimination against natural Black hair can start as early as 5 years old, noting that children have been removed from school and adults from their workplaces for wearing their natural hair and that those effects can last a lifetime. Black women with a wide range of natural and protective hairstyles stand with Tabitha as she explains why Dove co-founded the Crown Act with the Crown Coalition to make race-based hair discrimination illegal in the United States. She says now is the time to act and invites you to join the nationwide movement.
- Published
- June 27, 2022
- Advertiser
- Dove (Hair Care)
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- None have been identified for this spot
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- Tabitha Brown ... Actor/Actress
- Characters
- Kids
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- Mindshare ... Media Agency
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- 2022 BET Awards
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