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Coca-Cola Energy TV Spot, 'Show Up' Featuring Martin Scorsese, Jonah Hill

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Being the only guy in a suit at a costume party is never easy, even if you're legendary auteur Martin Scorsese. That's why the "Irishman" director needs backup from Jonah Hill. Unfortunately, the actor has completely forgotten about the shindig and is leaving Scorsese in limbo. The world waits in anticipation, staring at the three typing dots on the director's iPhone that will determine whether Hill is going to be a friend or a flake. That infamous icon becomes reflected in every crystal ball, crop circle and three-eyed toad across the nation, until Jonah cracks open a can of Coca-Cola Energy to get the stamina he needs to finally text Marty that he's on his way. Upon the actor's arrival, Scorsese embraces his partner in crime, relieved that he will no longer be mistaken for the waiter.

February 03, 2020
Coca-Cola Energy
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Coca-Cola Energy, Coca-Cola Energy Cherry, Coca-Cola Energy Zero Sugar
“The Energy You Want. The Taste You Love.”
None have been identified for this spot
Actors - Add
Jonah Hill ... Actor/Actress, Martin Scorsese ... Director, Krizia Bajos ... reporter
Universal McCann (UM) ... Media Agency

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