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Toys R Us TV Spot, 'Like Father, Like Daughter'

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Ever since she was in diapers, Katie's father has tried everything to convert her into a die-hard Star Wars fan like himself. As a baby, puppet theater with Yoda and Darth Vader successfully triggered a meltdown and his failed attempt at recreating a pint-sized version of Chewbacca had only prompted Katie to cry out for her mother. Finally, during a visit to Toys-R-Us, Katie's father calls out from an aisle to show her a Force Awakens Darth Vader figurine. He turns around to find Katie in a Jedi ready stance holding a light-saber. With tears welling up in his eyes, he declares: "I am your father."

December 07, 2015
Toys R Us
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Thinkway Toys Star Wars The Force Awakens Darth Vader Interactive Figure, Thinkway Toys Star Wars The Force Awakens Storm Trooper Interactive Figure, Star Wars (Hasbro) Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Deluxe Electronic Lightsaber
“Destination: Star Wars”
None have been identified for this spot
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Actors - Add
Ashley Silverman ... younger daughter, Katie Silverman ... Older Daughter, Sofia Quinn DeSena ... Baby, Steven Nelson ... Father

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