Physicians Mutual TV Spot, 'The Ball Game'
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During a baseball game, a man asks his friend what the secret is to having his retirement all figured out and his friend replies, "Physicians Mutual." Other people sitting in the stands start piping in, explaining why they recommend the company too. He jokes that the even the vendor must know about Physicians Mutual and sure enough, he does.
- Published
- April 19, 2016
- Advertiser
- Physicians Mutual
- Tagline
- “Insurance For All Of Us.”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Mood
- Active
- Scene Location
- Cocoa Expo Sports Center, Cocoa Beach, FL
- Actors - Add
- Taylor Bassett ... fan in red hat, Tom Virtue
- Production
- Kimberly Lea ... Production
- Agency
- ... Agency
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