Nationwide Insurance TV Spot, 'Impersonal'
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At the bank, grocery store and even the coffee shop, things aren't going so smoothly for this guy. He has to scan and re-scan every item at the store, and apparently he is known by the baristas as "Man blue shirt." He can't even get a drone to properly deliver his online purchases. Also, "representative" has become a new favorite word of his... but not really. Things were going so awfully for him, in fact, that the Nationwide Insurance agent received a big hug when he helped the guy out after a car crash.
- Published
- October 11, 2015
- Advertiser
- Nationwide Insurance
- Tagline
- “Nationwide Is on Your Side”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Ad URL
- Mood
- Funny
- Actors - Add
- Kurt Long ... Main role, Leonard Robinson ... Nationwide Claims Adjustor, Jeff Marlow ... Bank Teller
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