Papa John's TV Spot, 'Pizza Corp.'
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At the Pizza Corp. board meeting, the CEO proudly declares that the company found cheaper ingredients so it can make more money. After he offers the other meeting attendees a slice of this cheaper pizza, things get awkward when each of them makes an excuse to get out of eating it. One woman is suddenly vegan and a man is "allergic to triangles." Though it turns out the CEO is kidding, which they all have a laugh about, Papa John says customers shouldn't worry about the pizza from his company because isn't a pizza corporation, it's a pizza family.
- Published
- March 06, 2017
- Advertiser
- Papa Johns
- Products
- Papa Johns Two-Topping Pizza
- Tagline
- “Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. Papa John's.”
- Songs
- None have been identified for this spot
- Mood
- Funny
- Actors - Add
- Papa John (John Schnatter) ... Public Figure
- Agency
- Camp+King ... Creative Agency, Camp+King ... Media Agency
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