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Esurance TV Spot, 'Sorta Marge'

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Something on the construction site just isn't right: "Sorta Marge" isn't Marge. In the crane machine sits her replacement, a beauty pageant queen who isn't the best at answering questions about her opinions on healthcare in the America of the U.S. They both like to save money on car insurance, but that doesn't mean she can work a machine. Find the best insurance for the true you with Esurance.

iSpot Review - June 16, 2015

Funny, quick and brilliantly simple, Esurance's, "Sorta You," ads continue to stand out in the incredibly competitive world of insurance advertising. The latest spot,"Sorta Marge," is no exception.

In this commercial, "Sorta Marge" is a beauty pageant queen with a talent for incoherent rambling. Her skills at saying words like "Integrity" and "America," are less than ideal for taking Marge's place as a crane operator. Her incompetence perfectly pays off the, "Sorta You Isn't You," message.

The reason this campaign works so well, is that it's based on highlighting what makes Esurance different from its competitors: discounts personalized to you. Many times, ads can be smart, funny and amazing, but they have a product that's just tacked on at the end. Those may win awards, but they won't win consumers. This is absolutely not the case with Esurance. "Sorta You" is a perfect example of a solid strategy and a winning campaign. We're looking forward to seeing more of these. 

June 15, 2015
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Esurance CoverageMyWay
“Insurance for the Modern World”
None have been identified for this spot
Actors - Add
John Krasinski ... Voice Over
Leo Burnett ... Creative Agency, Media Contacts (MPG) ... Agency, Starcom ... Media Agency

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